R.N. | Current Projects | 2024-XX
Introduction to AI is a secondary course that provides an overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its various applications today. The course covers fundamental topics such as machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics. Students will gain practical skills by working on various projects, including building a business with the assistance of AI. The course will also address AI's ethical and societal implications, such as bias, privacy, and automation. By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of AI as a tool for human development and its potential impact on our lives.
IntroDuction to AI
Philosophical, abstract, creative, and computational thinking can all sound like something a young child might not be able to do. In actuality, these modes of processing can be made accessible with a little imagination. Being Thing is a children's book series that introduces these thought processes through language and visualization. Each book centers on a branch of philosophy such as epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics, to help young beings learn the somewhat complex and ultimatly paradoxical natures of our reality to better prepare them for making thoughtful, reasonable, and compassionate decisions.
Being Thing
Manic Dizzy Dream Girl is a short chapbook project that introduces a selection of my poetic works over the span of decade. It centers around my personal challenges with mental health, romance, limerence, trauma, healing, and self-empowerment. The selected pieces come from a larger body of work collected on an old Wordpress site which has over 300 poems, prose, and reflections.
Manic Dizzy Dream Girl
Systemic issues surrounding race, gender, ability, class, and species often impact our thoughts and creations subtly, evading immediate awareness and accountability. By cultivating self-awareness, empathy, self and social responsibility, we can actively contribute to a positive shared reality. My mission is to facilitate this understanding, empowering individuals and teams to wield their influence with intentionality, so that we may create a better future for the next generation. Starting in autumn of 2024, I will offer workshop and one-on-one consulting and mentorship services to global brands, businesses, and independent clients through Sense Method.