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R.N. | Essays, Analysis & Poetry
Poetry | Settled on my Sunset
Sell me a possible world where my mind's made up, Remind me of how the horizon settles the sun At a distance. Or how subtle breezes...
Blog | Ask Aristotle: Consciousness in Tech
Blog post is written for ASU's School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies website during my Fall 2022 Research Program with
Presentation | Nietzsche and Perspective
For ASU's PHI 304: Existentialism, we were assigned groups tasked with presenting various philosophical works. I lead my group in...
Poetry | Slow Burn
I like a slow burn. Like the way butter melts on day-old pancakes cluttered in the sink. Too much batter, fried and flipped, pages...
Essay | Metaphysical Semantic’s Epistemic Viability
Contrasting metametaphysics against epistemic virtues. Written for PHI 420: Metametaphysics with Professor McElhoes at Arizona State...
Essay | Humble Epistemology
A revision of the standard view. Written for PHI 403: Contemporary Analytic Philosophy with Professor Watson at Arizona State University...
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